ValueError: shapes (100,) and (1,100) not aligned: 100 (dim 0) != 1 (dim 0)¶
등 매트리스끼리 연산할때, 두 매트리스의shape
가 연산규칙에 맞지 않다면ValueError
가 발생하네요.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
(100) X (1,100)
어레이는 에러가 산출되네요
In [2]:
a = np.random.rand(100)
b = np.random.rand(1, 100)
np.dot(a, b)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[2], line 3 1 a = np.random.rand(100) 2 b = np.random.rand(1, 100) ----> 3 np.dot(a, b) ValueError: shapes (100,) and (1,100) not aligned: 100 (dim 0) != 1 (dim 0)
(1, 100) X (1, 100)
어레이도 에러를 반환하네요
In [3]:
a = np.random.rand(1, 100)
b = np.random.rand(1, 100)
np.dot(a, b)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[3], line 3 1 a = np.random.rand(1, 100) 2 b = np.random.rand(1, 100) ----> 3 np.dot(a, b) ValueError: shapes (1,100) and (1,100) not aligned: 100 (dim 1) != 1 (dim 0)
(100, 1) X (1,100)
어레이는 계산이 됩니다.
In [4]:
# Example arrays
a = np.random.rand(100, 1) # This will create an array of shape (100,)
b = np.random.rand(1, 100) # This will create an array of shape (1, 100)
np.dot(a, b)
array([[0.25148646, 0.25288578, 0.02490737, ..., 0.12144668, 0.31535732, 0.28806871], [0.13723606, 0.13799967, 0.01359194, ..., 0.06627341, 0.17209036, 0.15719899], [0.02842853, 0.02858672, 0.00281558, ..., 0.01372858, 0.03564862, 0.03256387], ..., [0.60409463, 0.60745594, 0.0598299 , ..., 0.2917266 , 0.75751857, 0.69196873], [0.38783055, 0.38998852, 0.03841097, ..., 0.18728934, 0.48632917, 0.44424598], [0.21079122, 0.21196411, 0.02087689, ..., 0.10179432, 0.26432657, 0.24145378]])
- 구글링해보니 어레이 선언은 일괄적으로 하고 필요한 어레이에 transpose 해 계산해 주는게 대세인 것 같습니다.
In [5]:
a = np.random.rand(1, 100)
b = np.random.rand(1, 100)
np.dot(a.T, b)
array([[0.10471007, 0.07425017, 0.20002182, ..., 0.14549293, 0.39086824, 0.41040463], [0.02366827, 0.01678323, 0.04521217, ..., 0.03288667, 0.08835037, 0.09276631], [0.12110494, 0.08587581, 0.23134003, ..., 0.16827333, 0.45206802, 0.47466331], ..., [0.03313391, 0.02349533, 0.06329386, ..., 0.04603902, 0.1236843 , 0.1298663 ], [0.07990834, 0.0566632 , 0.15264445, ..., 0.11103132, 0.29828679, 0.31319577], [0.19737529, 0.1399593 , 0.37703503, ..., 0.27424972, 0.7367747 , 0.77360021]])
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